Claire Bass

Level 7
33 Barrack Street, Perth WA 6000
GPO Box 2533, St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6831

Telephone: (08) 9218 9200


Year admitted: 2018

Year elected to the Bar: 2024

Claire Bass

Claire practises in a variety of areas of law, with emphasis on personal injury and criminal defence law matters, including those with connected criminal property confiscation matters which require technical expertise.

Given the variety of areas in which Claire practises, she is very committed to reading case law on an (almost) daily basis, to ensure she is up to date with the latest developments in the common law and the interpretation of statutory law at a State and Federal level.

In criminal matters, Claire has particular interest in cases that involve large scale drugs, money and/or firearms allegations.

Claire has also presented professional development material in respect of the emerging area of Family Violence jury directions and associated legislation, which can significantly impact the way in which criminal matters involving an accused person’s experience of family domestic violence are defended.

Claire does not accept Prosecution briefs on behalf of State or Commonwealth Prosecution offices.

In personal injury matters, Claire enjoys briefs that involve nuanced or technical areas of law, including in respect of evidentiary considerations.

Claire is a member of the Pride in Law (WA State Branch) Committee and the Criminal Lawyers' Association.

Claire practices in the following areas:

  • Criminal defence law:
  • Criminal property confiscations matters;
  • Personal injury matters including workers' compensation, motor vehicle accident matters and negligence/torts generally;
  • Common law:
  • SAT matters including vocational, Liquor Control Act and guardianship/administration matters.





Pride in Law WA (WA State Branch) Committee Member
Criminal Lawyers' Association of Western Australia

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation